Container On-Build Scanning

Container Scanning in Jit


Jit's container scanning feature helps detect vulnerabilities in container images during the CI/CD process. The scanning process focuses on two key stages:

  • On-Build Scanning: The scan is performed during the CI/CD pipeline execution, before deployment.
  • Findings Analysis & PR Feedback: Security issues are reported directly in pull requests and optionally added to the backlog.

Jit integrates with existing CI/CD workflows, allowing security checks to run as independent steps without interfering with core build processes.

Configuring Organization-Level Secrets for Jit CLI in CI/CD Workflows

This guide helps you securely configure and run the Jit CLI to scan container images within your CI/CD pipelines. Before you start, ensure you've set the required secrets at your organization level.

Required Secrets

Secret NameDescription
JIT_CLIENT_IDYour Jit client identifier.
JIT_SECRET_KEYYour Jit secret key.

Choose the Correct CLI Version

Ensure you select the Jit CLI binary matching your CI/CD runner's OS and CPU architecture:

Runner OSCPU ArchitectureDependency InstallJit CLI Download URL
Debian/Ubuntuamd64 (Intel/AMD)apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl gitjit-cli-amd64-slim
Alpine Linuxamd64apk update && apk add curl gitjit-cli-amd64-alpine

Example URL pattern:<amd64|arm64>-<slim|alpine>

Platform Configuration Instructions

GitHub Actions

Setting up in GitHub is straightforward:

  1. Access Organization Settings

    • Navigate to your GitHub organization
    • Select Settings from the top navigation
  2. Configure Secrets

    • In the left sidebar, find SecuritySecrets and variablesActions
    • Click New organization secret
    • Add each credential separately:
      • Name: JIT_CLIENT_ID with its corresponding value
      • Name: JIT_SECRET_KEY with its corresponding value
    • Select which repositories should have access
    • Save each secret

Learn more about GitHub Actions secrets

GitLab CI/CD

For GitLab environments:

  1. Access Group Settings

    • Navigate to your GitLab group
    • Go to SettingsCI/CD
  2. Add Variables

    • Expand the Variables section
    • Click Add variable for each credential:
      • Key: JIT_CLIENT_ID with its value
      • Key: JIT_SECRET_KEY with its value
    • Set type to Variable (or File if appropriate)
    • Uncheck Protect variable (to enable the variables when running on non-protected branch scanning)
    • Save each variable

Learn more about GitLab CI/CD variables


CircleCI uses Contexts for organization-level configuration:

  1. Access Organization Settings

    • Go to your CircleCI organization
    • Select Organization Settings
  2. Create and Configure Context

    • Select Contexts from the sidebar
    • Click Create Context (e.g., "Jit Security")
    • Add each environment variable:
      • Name: JIT_CLIENT_ID with its value
      • Name: JIT_SECRET_KEY with its value
  3. Use in Workflows

    • Reference this context in your CircleCI configuration files

Learn more about CircleCI Contexts


For Jenkins environments:

  1. Access Credentials

    • Navigate to Manage JenkinsManage Credentials
    • Select the appropriate credentials domain
  2. Add Credentials

    • Click Add Credentials
    • Choose Secret text type
    • Create separate entries for:
      • JIT_CLIENT_ID with its value
      • JIT_SECRET_KEY with its value
    • Provide descriptive IDs and descriptions
    • Save each credential

Learn more about Jenkins Credentials

Bitbucket Pipelines

For Bitbucket Pipelines:

  1. Access Workspace Settings

    • Navigate to your Bitbucket workspace
    • Click on Settings in the left sidebar
    • Select Workspace settings
  2. Configure Workspace-Level Variables (Recommended)

    • Select PipelinesWorkspace variables
    • Click Add for each credential:
      • Name: JIT_CLIENT_ID with its value
      • Name: JIT_SECRET_KEY with its value
    • Enable Secured option to encrypt sensitive values
    • Save each variable
  3. Alternatively, For Repository-Level Variables

    • Navigate to your specific repository
    • Go to Repository settingsPipelinesRepository variables
    • Add the same variables following the same process as above

Learn more about Bitbucket Pipelines variables

Workflow Examples Overview

Each CI/CD workflow below includes these steps:

  1. Install dependencies (curl, git).
  2. Download and install Jit CLI.
  3. Build container image.
  4. Run Jit CLI scan.

    Note: The examples below use [OPTIONS] as a placeholder. See the Command Options section for available arguments.

Running a Container Scan

CD scan (production image build case)

name: Jit Security Scan

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Install Dependencies & Jit CLI
        run: |
          sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y curl git
          curl -L -o jit-cli
          chmod +x jit-cli

      - name: Build Container Image
        run: docker build -t <image>

      - name: Run Jit CLI Scan
          # Needed for communicating Jit BE
          JIT_CLIENT_ID: ${{ secrets.JIT_CLIENT_ID }}
          JIT_SECRET_KEY: ${{ secrets.JIT_SECRET_KEY }}
        run: |
          ./jit-cli container \
            --image <image> \
            --tracking-name <> \
            --fail-on-findings \
    - echo "Build and scan container"
		- docker build -t <image>
    - sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y curl git
    - curl -O
    - chmod +x jit-cli-amd64-slim
    - |
      ./jit-cli-amd64-slim container \
        --image <image> \
        --tracking-name <> \
        --fail-on-findings \
image: atlassian/default-image:latest

    - step:
        name: Build and Scan
          - docker
          - apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl git
          - curl -L -o jit-cli
          - chmod +x jit-cli
          - docker build -t <image>
          - >
            ./jit-cli container --image <image> --tracking-name <> [OPTIONS]
version: 2.1

      - image: cimg/base:stable
      - checkout
      - setup_remote_docker
      - run:
          name: Install Dependencies and Jit CLI
          command: |
            sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y curl git
            curl -L -o jit-cli
            chmod +x jit-cli
      - run:
          name: Build Container Image
          command: docker build -t <image>
      - run:
          name: Run Jit CLI Scan
          command: ./jit-cli container --image <image> --tracking-name <> [OPTIONS]

      - security_scan:
            - Jit
            - AdditionalContextIfNeeded
pipeline {
    environment {
        JIT_CLIENT_ID = credentials('JIT_CLIENT_ID')
        JIT_CLIENT_SECRET = credentials('JIT_CLIENT_SECRET')
    stages {
        stage('Build and Scan Image') {
            steps {
                sh '''
                apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl git
                curl -L -o jit-cli
                chmod +x jit-cli
                docker build -t <image>
                ./jit-cli container --image <image> --tracking-name <> [OPTIONS]

PR/MR scan

name: Jit Security Scan


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Install Dependencies & Jit CLI
        run: |
          sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y curl git
          curl -L -o jit-cli
          chmod +x jit-cli

      - name: Build Container Image
        run: docker build -t <image>

      - name: Run Jit CLI Scan
          # Data relevant for creating a PR reivew
          GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
          GITHUB_REPOSITORY: ${{ github.repository }}
          PR_NUMBER: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
          COMMIT_ID: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
          # Needed for communicating Jit BE
          JIT_CLIENT_ID: ${{ secrets.JIT_CLIENT_ID }}
          JIT_SECRET_KEY: ${{ secrets.JIT_SECRET_KEY }}
        run: |
          ./jit-cli container \
            --image <image> \
            --tracking-name <> \
            --organization "$GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER" \
            --repo "${GITHUB_REPOSITORY#*/}" \
            --pull-request "${PR_NUMBER}" \
            --commit-id "${COMMIT_ID}" \
            --fail-on-findings \
    - echo "Build and scan container"
		- docker build -t <image>
    - sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y curl git
    - curl -O
    - chmod +x jit-cli-amd64-slim
    - |
      ./jit-cli-amd64-slim container \
        --image <image> \
        --tracking-name <> \
        --organization "$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE" \
        --repo "$CI_PROJECT_NAME" \
        --pull-request "$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID" \
        --commit-id "$CI_COMMIT_SHA" \
        --fail-on-findings \
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"
      when: on_success

Important Notes

  • Adjust the CLI URL to match your runner's OS and CPU architecture according to the provided table.
  • Ensure your container image build step clearly tags the image (your-image-name).
  • When building the image with Podman/Kaniko or other non-"docker" building system, you should save the image as "image.tar" and pass the tar file to the --image option.

Command Options

Core Options (All Workflows)

--imageRequiredThe container image to scan. This should be the same image you built with docker build -t <image>. Can be a local image or a full registry path (e.g., myapp:latest or
--tracking-name <production-name>RequiredThe canonical name of the image without tags, used for tracking findings across different scans.
Should match the image name in your registry (e.g.,
This ensures findings are properly tracked when scanning the same image from different sources.
--new-findings-onlyfalseOnly alert on new findings.
--severity <LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL>HIGH,CRITICALSeverity levels to report.
--fail-on-findingsfalseFail the workflow if vulnerabilities are found.

PR/MR Workflow Options

--organizationNoneSCM organization name for associating findings with the correct organization.
--repoNoneRepository identifier name.
--pull-requestNonePR/MR number identifier.
--commit-idNoneCommit ID for associating findings with the correct commit.

CD Workflow Options (Production Builds)

--add-to-backlogfalseAdd findings to Jit's backlog. Only use in CD workflows, not PR workflows.

Managing Findings & PR Comments

  • Findings are displayed as PR comments with severity-based filtering.
  • Threshold Configuration: Users can define what severity level is required to surface findings.
  • Backlog View: Once a PR is merged, unresolved findings are added to the backlog for future review.
  • Blocking PRs: The user can enforce merge blocking based on findings severity.


Common Issues

1. CLI Authentication Failure
Ensure that JIT_CLIENT_ID and JIT_SECRET_KEY are correctly set in your environment.

2. No Findings Are Reported
Check if the --new-findings-only flag is enabled. If set, only new vulnerabilities are surfaced.

3. Workflow Fails on Scan Execution
If --fail-on-findings is enabled, ensure that no critical vulnerabilities are present, or adjust the severity threshold.