Code Security Scanners
Jit's Application Security Scanners continuously scan your codebase and every code change to surface code and dependency vulnerabilities like code injections, path traversals, and many more.
Jit Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Scan your custom code to surface code security flaws.
Jit Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
Scan your open source code and dependencies for known security vulnerabilities.
Jit Secrets Detection
Scan your code for hardcoded secrets like passwords, API keys, and cloud provider tokens.
Jit Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
Continuously scan your codebase to maintain an updated inventory of all open source components and dependencies (along with their associated licenses) within your codebase.
Jit Open Source License Detection
Scan your open source components to surface those with copyleft licenses such as GPL, which could introduce legal risks.
Updated 3 months ago