Jit Scanner Summary

Jit unifies and enhances the leading open source scanners for all product security scanning technologies. Jit users do not need to configure or deploy the supported scanners – they are built-in to the platform and supported out-of-the-box.

By integrating the following open source security scanners into our platform, Jit provides the following benefits:

  • Automate configuration, deployment, and execution for all scanners
  • Automated scanner upgrading
  • Added custom rules to surface additional vulnerabilities, while tweaking noisy rules to reduce false positives
  • Contextual prioritization to surface the code security flaws and cloud misconfigurations that introduce real risk
  • A unique developer UX and auto remediation to simplify code security for developers
  • Unification of all findings into a single, prioritized backlog with metrics to monitor security posture

Jit-supported scanners

Jit Security ControlOSS Security ToolLayerSupportsOSS Tool Documentation
Scan your code for vulnerabilities (SAST)SemgrepApplication SecurityJavascript, Typescript, Python, Go, Java, Scala, Kotlin, Swift, Rust, C#, PHP, C, C++, Rubyrepo
Scan your code for vulnerabilities (SAST)GosecApplication SecurityGorepo
Scan code for hard-coded secretsGitleaksApplication SecurityText filesrepo
Scan code for hard-coded secretsTruffleHogApplication SecurityText filesrepo
Scan your code dependencies for vulnerabilities (SCA)NancyApplication SecurityGorepo
Scan your code dependencies for vulnerabilities (SCA)OSV-ScannerApplication SecurityPython, PHP, Javarepo
Scan your code dependencies for vulnerabilities (SCA)npm-auditApplication SecurityJavascript, Typescriptdocs
Scan your Dockerfiles for vulnerabilitiesTrivyApplication SecurityDockerfilerepo
Scan your infrastructure-as-code (IaC) for misconfigurationsKICSCloud SecurityTerraform, Serverless Framework, Pulumi, CloudFormation, AWS CDKrepo
Scan Kubernetes configuration filesKubescapeCloud SecurityK8s manifest files, Helm chartsrepo
Scan infrastructure for runtime misconfigurationsProwlerCloud SecurityAWS, GCP, Azurerepo
Import AWS Security Hub FindingsAWS Security HubCloud SecurityAWSdocumentation
Verify that the users of your AWS accounts have enabled MFAAWS MFA CheckerCloud SecurityAWSJit tool
Scan your API for vulnerabilities (DAST)
Scan your web application for vulnerabilities (DAST)
ZAPDASTAPIs, Web applicationsrepo
Detect GitHub misconfigurationsLegitifyCI/CD SecurityGitHubrepo
Verify that MFA for your GitHub organization is enabledGitHub MFA CheckerCI/CD SecurityGitHubJit tool
Verify that Github Branch Protection is properly configuredGitHub BP CheckerCI/CD SecurityGitHubJit tool