Verify that MFA for Your GitHub Organization is Enabled

Jit GitHub MFA Checks: Key things to know

  • Brief description: Continuously scan your GitHub environment to ensure all users have MFA enabled. Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your organization by ensuring that an attacker in possession of an employee password cannot gain access without a second factor, like a phone app or text.
  • Scanning process: Jit automatically scans your GitHub environment every day and documents users missing MFA in the Backlog.
  • How to get started: Start by integrating Jit with GitHub. Then enable MFA Checks by navigating to Security Plans (left menu) → Jit Max Security PlanVerify that MFA for your GitHub organization is enabled. Hit Activate, which will kick off the scanning processes described above.
  • Based on github-mfa-checker: Jit unifies and enhances the leading open source scanners for all product security scanning technologies. For CI/CD Security Checks, Jit uses github-mfa-checker, which is maintained by Jit.
  • Source Code Manager support: MFA checks are currently supported for GitHub.